Client Success

Keystone Films proudly works with the Standardbred Breeders Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Horse Breeders Association.
Standardbred breeding and racing in Pennsylvania, thanks in large part to the world’s most successful breeding farm, Hanover Shoe Farms, is second to none.
With that in mind, we built an image campaign for the Standardbred Breeders, stressing Pennsylvania's standing atop the industry, along with messaging designed to resonate with the general public. Additionally, in conjunction with our friends at Ethic Advertising, we completely rebuilt and rebranded the Standardbred Breeders of PA website. It is completely bilingual (English and Spanish) and we've recently added a Jobs section to complement a digital campaign (again in partnership with Ethic Advertising) aimed at driving employment to Hanover Shoe Farms.
As for the thoroughbred breeders, as the following graphics illustrate, the "product our client's membership brings to market," i.e., the Pennsylvania-Bred horses competing for bids in various auctions vs. horses from Kentucky, Florida, and elsewhere, are far more desirable and far more valuable.
To complement our national broadcast message, which speaks to all thoroughbred owners, breeders, plus other stakeholders, we continue to launch digital campaigns (again in conjunction with Ethic Advertising) micro-targeting those who will actually be buying thoroughbreds at auction, whether virtually or in person. In the end, our work has played a clear role in dramatically growing the bottom line for this client!

In 2014, with Pennsylvania horse racing under onslaught by political figures and by the media, the Pennsylvania HBPA turned to Keystone Films. We knew that horse racing's go-to marketing strategy, "happy 20-somethings in sundresses and bowties," wasn't appropriate here.
We devised a far more nuanced strategy:
Underscore the fact that Pennsylvania horse racing is a major job creator.
Emphasize the industry’s significant, statewide economic impact.
Showcase the PA HBPA’s unwavering focus on racehorse safety and aftercare.
Generate significant earned media, along with our digital and broadcast campaigns.
By February 2016, our work helped lead to Pennsylvania enacting a law which detailed its support for horse racing. Furthermore, the state even dedicated a portion of its Racehorse Development Trust Fund solely to marketing.
In 2020, 2021, and 2022, our impactful campaigns, both broadcast and digital, continue to help shape Pennsylvania racing's response to government proposals which would have caused irreparable damage to racing statewide.
Soon, Keystone was assigned ongoing management of both the Pennsylvania HBPA’s social media and website ( and we were also asked to promote major events.

When we have been tasked with promoting major race days, the results have been extraordinary.
Presque Isle Masters:
2018 - Largest wagering handle in track's history
2022 - 2nd largest wagering handle in track's history
Penn Mile:
2024 - Largest wagering handle in track's history
2023 - Largest wagering handle in track's history
We’d love to work with you.